Rooting and grounding the hearts of our Students in the love of the father

Sunday gatherings

Our students are NOT the future of our church...They ARE the church and are an integral part of our Sunday Morning Gatherings. Students in Grades 6-12 participate in worshipping and serving at any of our Sunday Gatherings and the teaching and worship is done with them in mind as much as our adults.

Student groups

Student Group is our small group experience designed specifically for our students in Grades 6-12. Our students gather with our awesome student group leaders to participate in our Middle School Group or our High School Group, both of which are structured much the same as our adult small groups: they share a meal, share their lives and share what our Father is doing in their heart. They also have a great time playing games, hanging out, and building friendships with one another.

Our Student Groups follow the same calendar as our adult small groups. Student Group begins at 6:30 PM at Basecamp (1140 Smiley Ave) and ends at 8:00 PM. Join the appropriate group at the links below to get updates about group events and meeting schedule.

student group calendar


FAmily Resources

We have a little philosophy for our families around here we like to call Equipegration.
We curate and create some amazing resources for families to pursue their faith together.